Buena Vista Social Club™
Show Details
Performance Schedule
Run Dates
Upcoming Scheduled Events
Running Time
Show Description
Step into the heart of Cuba, beyond the glitz of the Tropicana, to a place where blazing trumpets and sizzling guitars set the dance floor on fire. Here, the sound of Havana is born—and one woman’s remarkable journey begins.Inspired by true events, the new Broadway musical Buena Vista Social Club™ brings the Grammy Award-winning album to thrilling life—and tells the story of the legends who lived it. A world-class Afro-Cuban band is joined by a sensational cast in this unforgettable tale of survival, second chances and the extraordinary power of music.
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Standard Tickets
March 19, 2025 - Open Run
Wheelchair seating, assistive listening devices, handheld captions, and prerecorded audio description are always available.
For Show Times, see Performance Schedule above.
Use the standard ticket button to purchase tickets.
(212) 239-6222Infrared & neck loop systems. Reservations are recommended. Visit soundassociates.com/broadway/
Use the standard ticket button to purchase tickets.
GalaPro app or handheld device 4 weeks after opening. Prior, email audienceservices@shubertorg.com
Use the standard ticket button to purchase tickets.
GalaPro app or handheld device 4 weeks after opening. Prior, email audienceservices@shubertorg.com
Use the standard ticket button to purchase tickets.
Theatre Details
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
236 West 45th Street
New York City, NY 10036
Public Transportation
By Subway: A,C,E,N,Q,R,S,W,1,2,3,7 to Times Square/42nd Street
Additional Accessibility Details
Wheelchair Info: Theatre is not completely wheelchair accessible. There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps either into or within the theatre, & are unable to provide assistance.
Seating: Seating is accessible to all parts of the Orchestra without steps. There are no steps to the designated wheelchair seating location.
Elevator\Escalator: None on Premises
Curb Ramps: yes
Entrance: The entrance to the theatre is street level.
Box Office: The counter is not wheelchair accessible.
Restroom: A wheelchair accessible restroom (unisex) is located on the main level.
Water Fountain: Located in restrooms
Telephone: None on premises
Assisted Listening System: Reservations are not necessary. Please call: (212) 582-7678 to reserve in advance. Drivers license or ID with printed address required as a deposit. Closed Captioning is also available through the GalaPro app. For more information on GalaPro, check here: https://www.galapro.com/
Visual Assistance: There are seats reserved in the second and third row for the visually impaired. Audio Description is also available through the GalaPro app. More information can be found here: https://www.galapro.com/
Folding Armrests: None available
Translation: Subtitled language translations available in Spanish,Japanese, Korean & Chinese for $5 on the GalaPro app. For more information, go to https://www.galapro.com/